Solva Fireworks Display

 Saturday 4th November 2017*  start 6:30 pm



This popular village event takes place annually around the 5th November. The Grand Firework Display organised by the Solva Firework Committee takes place over the Solva Foreshore.

Fireworks are set off over the harbour which echo off the valley sides and reflect over the sea water. Quite something to experience.

Food & Drink

Available at Harbour Inn, The Ship and the Cambrian Inn.
Further Cafes and Restaurants can be found along Main Street.


Car Parking Space is Limited -

more space can be found along the road to Middle Mill.



Come and join in the fun -

Saturday 4th November 2017 in Solva

from 6:30 pm


Organised by the Solva Firework Committee.

*(Should there be inclement weather conditions, the display will be moved to the Sunday evening)

The insurance for this event has become astronomical, in order for this event to take place next year -
All monies raised go directly towards next years event.
All help is Voluntary, helpers giving their time free of charge.



Other popular village events:

Duck Race  (Easter Monday) Scarecrow Trail  (weekend in summer)


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Events in Pembrokeshire